Also remember if you are growing phals or catts you would need to heat your gh over the winter in Japan; cheap electricity is a thing of the past there (compliments of all those shuttered reactors...)
I lived near Kyoto in the mid 90's; often my host family and I would go to nurseries on the weekends (my host father was as big of an orchid nut as I am), it was not uncommon to pay upwards of $100 for a spiking cymbidium or artfully blossomed phal. I remember being gifted with a very nice B. nodosa x and feeling guilty that I had received it--it was probably in that same price range and was given to me simply because I off-hand mentioned that I liked orchids to a friend at school. On the flip side to this, if you are interested in any of the native orchids (ponerorchids, neofinetias, Jenosa subsection cymbidiums), so long as you are not hell-bent on the fancy forms, can be found quite reasonably priced.
From what I can tell from the Wakayama site, they are mainly a nursery dealing in line bred plants; you are paying a premium for their breeding stock maintenance and the excellence in hybridizing that they are pursuing. The down side is the plants cost a bundle; the up side is that there are very few of the same hybrid available on a commercial scale anywhere in the world. I suspect the same holds true of Suwada (I have it rolling around in my head that they maintain a primo collection of sophronitis stock...)
I've never met an orchid I couldn't kill...
Last edited by stonedragonfarms; 08-12-2014 at 12:52 PM..