And thanks nikkik, for understanding me correctly and the wonderful reply.)
No problem, my posts have been misunderstood by others from time to time too! I agree with you and Katrina when you both stated that sometimes we're misunderstood over the Internet. I hope it all works out.
Just an update- I called Andys yesterday and also e mailed pics of 'blooming size' parishii. He called back today that even though cane is smaller than normally should be, they should bloom in upcoming season specially since I am in Florida and it will be probably just couple of flowers (despite being a single 2 inch cane). Said that plants there do not grow as big as in Florida. long as it blooms upcoming season....
D. carronii (bought blooming size) should also bloom next yr and the near blooming size chrysotoxum may take another yr or so.
So, I will wait till next yr to see what happens...
Quick update: I received a phone call from Bill at Andy's Orchids yesterday--this was a follow up to the order I placed around Thanksgiving and he was just checking up to see if I had any questions or concerns or needed any growing tips. Fortunately my purchases from them are growing well, but I do consider this follow up to be above and beyond for customer service. Excellent job and will definitely order from them again.
Andy's customer service is second to none. Those calls are business as usual. Bill was a busy man yesterday! I had him and Andy on the phone for about 15 minutes checking on a few orchids not on the website for my next order.
Just ordered from Andy's and they do seem to be a very caring operation. I keep assuring them that I really do understand why they can't send the orchids to the land of ice and snow at the moment.
I'm really excited about my order...really excited.
I've been very pleased with my order from them. The fact that they did a "check up" call afterwards was beyond exceptional. I get the same quality and service from Glasshouse Works in Stewart, Ohio (exotic tropical plants, lots of begonias, sadly no orchids) and will ALWAYS order from them and Andy's.
Leafmite--you sound like a kid waiting for Christmas on your order. Wait until you open the box and see the superb wrapping and packing job that they do.
I haven't heard of Glasshouse Works. I've been ordering all my exotics from Logees in CT. I will have to look Glasshouse Works up online to see what they have. Thanks for the tip.
They're better than Logees and far less expensive. Stewart is just east of Athens, so it's an easy trip to visit when their greenhouse is open--and their mail order service is superb. I asked them to hold my current order for March/early April pickup so I could come and shop (grin).
It is pretty far from where I live but mail order works for me. Logees is a pretty good company and has always treated me very well so if this is better...