Thanks Seattle - my 4 new chids!
My 4 chids I was ordering from Seattle in last 5 weeks arrived all together today. Introducing to my collection Cymbidiella rhodochila, Ancistrochilus rothschildianus, Bulbophyllum ecornutum, Dendrobium cucumerinum & Masdevallia (Diodonopsis) erinacea. Love them all, especially that "LITTLE PICKLE" Dockrillia. The only think I would pick up on - Seattle is using wrong picture for Ancistrochilus - on their "presentation" picture blooms are pinkish, mine is obviously white with pink lip, which is really not even close, other than that all looking great. Masdie is already in it's new hygrolon cylinder home and all others are placed at my balcony jungle:-)
Last edited by TOMMYMIAMI; 06-07-2014 at 04:42 PM..