you can see the pictures of my Cymbidium or what is currently left of it!!! I ordered from orchid prints on ebay. American shipper. NEVER AGAIN! had a very high rating....
The orchid was sent in a large ups box not packed inside it was sloshed around. By the time I got the Cym the box was crunched. I had a fear what I would find inside......boy it was bad and I new it before I unpotted it.
I have no ideas what kind of *potting media* it was in but not good!!!
One of the bulbs looked rotted pulled it out of the pot and the roots were almost all rotted...and I mean soggy black mushy roots. Not salvageable at all. It now has 2 1/2 dead roots. I will be attempting to save it and pray I can. To see the pictures check the oncidium boards.
Help may day Cymbidium in need. If you would like to see what happened after my cleaning it out and off..
Again its called Orchid Prints on ebay stay away!