got a few nice plants and a few nicer ones. and some that are going to be nice

When they look like they are worth taking pictures of I will take some pictures

.in the meantime back in the squirrel cave hes checking out these...
1 lonely phal ?..hmmm smudged tag...
3 Dendrobiums all in bud of the burana type. ya know stripes and purples with pinks..very small buds and very small flowers...and
2 Vandas ( V. Prao Sky Blue 'Phathai and a V. Pachara Delight 'Pachara' FCC/JOGA...small maybe a year or 2 old
1 ascofinetia 'cherry blossom' has bloomed before and a fat chunky plant
1 maxillaria tenuifolia..
mixed bag of..catts
C. Vickie Andrews
C. Chocolate Drop 'Kodama'
Bc. Little Marmaid 'Janet'
Bc. Everything Nice'Showtime'
Blc. Memoria Mickey Boatwright 'Carmela
Epc. Rene Marques 'Tyler'
Slc. Hsin Buu Lady 'Y.T.'
1 grammatophyllum scriptum var citrinum has 3 growths and has not bloomed before
thats 16 I can remember some have buds in sheaths I think. Most of the catts have new growths and I guess I go home and take some pictures now and look at the tags again
But very happy such a nice mix of things I had and have had and have now again