First off no kids on the swim team so no help there

Yes in the winter it gets very dry around here. I am going to get a new humidifier as my last one died. Right now it's fine I run a swamp cooler in the day time so it gets up to 60 then drops down to 55 or 50 at nigh.
I have my paph's on tray's but read on here they don't help much so I didn't order anymore. I have rocks and can add water but was just waiting to see if they would help or not.
I'm really not sure what my problem was as my little Toshi was going great guns then I think I was just not watering it enough and prolonged dryness finally killed it. It also probably needed to be re-potted and I get lazy. I have always watered with rain water when I can but it never lasts all winter then I water with my well water.
I had it tested but I can't find it now. I had it out a month ago but hubby moved some things and maybe that was one because I have looked for it but nope I can't find it. I know our water is hard as if it dry's on things it will leave a white powder. I also can't use it in my tray's or my humidifier so I haul water from town.
It's great to drink as I prefer it to town water and my other house plants and my yard and garden do well on it. I have started to mix about 1/4 of well water into the rain water to try and make it last longer and I also have been better the last 2 years in getting more and I store it in plastic containers.
I may have to try the lava rock but maybe I will try the bark mix first as I have a bag of it when I do re-pot. I also started a thread in the Catt section.
Thanks so much I want to see those blooms to. Do you think they may or from the shipping will they just dry up?
If I need to I have a 50 lb bag of dolomite lime so I can add calcium that way. I did add it to my paph but I didn't know how much so I put about an 1/8 tea in maybe less.