I ordered:
C. Swingtime 'Dancer' (10 inch pot)
Cattleya New Dawning 'Flowers Galore' (8" pot)
Cattleya Jose Marti in bud, super sale for $25 (this one looks the best)
C. Snow Blind 'Kenny' FCC/AOS (this one I ordered in a pot and it came mounted)
I am attaching pictures of the plants. This is my first order with them. The plants are huge. The super sale one looks the best of all of them to me. It has a lot of new growths just starting. I took some pictures after I unwrapped them and then again after I cleaned up the papery sheaths.
The flowers galore has what I think may be sunburn on it's leaves. Does it look like that to you too? I see one new lead on this one.
The swingtime dancer had a case of bud blast and black flower buds. What do you think caused it? I am wondering if I need to treat it with something?
Would you repot the ones not in bud?
Overall I am happy with my purchase.