Hello everyone -
I have purchased from New World Orchids in the past and have had GREAT experiences with them. Dr Lehr recently returned from Japan and sent me his newest and latest price list. He specializes in Neofinitias, Sophronitis (I have one of his) and other orchids that are grown in Japan commercially. They may seem a little pricey, but you get hand-selected, high quality orchids that he ships from Japan and is glad to tell you about them through email. I hope some find this useful!
go to:
New World Orchids
There are sooooo many Sophronitis that I want now! Sigh - I also want to eat again, so the Soph's will have to wait!
I wanted to post the list, but it will not let me copy it - so just go to the site (prices are listed there) and if you request it, he will probably send you a list of your own.