Originally Posted by Stray59
Will do Bob - I need some so eventually I will locate it!
Thanks for sharing about the long strand sphagnum - I will be calling Dr. Lehr Monday (unless something else happens).
I had log off earlier as I was itching all over - I am covered with a rash from head to toe - after some research I found the new pain pill I was taking interacts (negatively) with about 5 other drugs I take daily so - back to the Dr.
I am almost as excited about your new pot as you are. I really want one for my Neo, so I may just be calling the good Dr. Lehr about that also!
Maybe I don't have to eat that well now after all! I could lose a pound or two so...
Best of luck,
Definitely let me know!!!!
Uh oh! Hopefully it goes away soon! Doesn't sound fun!
You should! He has some really expensive stuff, but also some that are affordable! The section for pots on his website was updated within the last week, you should go check it out!