Originally Posted by bballr4567
Do you guys have a website? Tried google and no luck there.
"We" (im just an employee) do not have a website at the moment. we are working on setting up an Ebay store though.
what information were you looking for? any questions i can answer?
as far as what types of plants we have, we have all different genera! including the following..
Cattleyas-great hybrids that have potential to be AOS award quality!
Dendrochilum-a fantastic array of dendrochilum species, if there is a dendrochilum species you want, odds are we have it!
Catasetum/Cycnoches/Mormodes-great selection of catasetums and similar! Both hybrids and species! Steve has over 120 AOS awards and alot of those are his catasetums!
Lycaste and Coelogyne-awesome Lycastes and Coelogynes!
Oncidium- HUGGGEEE selection of oncidium alliance hybrids and species! including miltonia/miltoniopsis!
Bulbophyllum- Lots of awesome bulbophyllums!
Pleurothallids and similar- We grow lots of pleuros, both super tiny and super huge (for a pleuro of course

Paphs and Phrags- LOTS of amazing paphs and phrags, theres something for any growing area!!!!
MUCH MUCH MORE!- We also have lots of oddballs species and other genera, including Maxillaria, Aerangis, Masdevallias, Stenoglottis, Dendrobium, and much more!
if anyone wants to see some of our flowers, here is a display that FCO put on the SOS orchid show!!