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Old 04-01-2012, 05:00 PM
Pilot Pilot is offline
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Carter &amp; Holmes: Can't beat this with a stick! Male

Oh no you guys are fine...I never thought you were making fun. In fact I was poking fun at myself. I mean honestly, who accidentally buys an orchid? Lol Apparently, I do! I hope they do get back to me. I suppose if I had my way now, having slept on it, the only way I'd complete the order is if I bought two Giganteas, which I very well may do.
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Old 04-01-2012, 05:57 PM
ElenaMarie ElenaMarie is offline
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Carter &amp; Holmes: Can't beat this with a stick! Female

Whew! I'm glad I didn't insult you Ryan.

Just out of curiosity what do you fly? My kid brother is a helicopter pilot and we grew up in Colorado.
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Old 04-01-2012, 06:42 PM
Pilot Pilot is offline
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Carter &amp; Holmes: Can't beat this with a stick! Male

I was in the USAF. B52. Now I fly privately, fixed wing, no Helios.
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Old 04-01-2012, 06:45 PM
Paul Mc Paul Mc is offline
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Carter &amp; Holmes: Can't beat this with a stick! Male

That's awesome! And thank you for your service as well!!!
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Old 04-01-2012, 08:23 PM
Kelo Kelo is offline
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Originally Posted by Pilot View Post
This is not to say I has a bad experience per se but they never clearly tell you what to expect for shipping. This day and age that's both dangerous and unreasonable given shipping costs have gone up and technologies available to generated at least a good guess of shipping costs.
You're not kidding! I was looking at prices for a flight to Tahiti later this year and this was the breakdown - check the tax we have to pay for long haul flights from the UK (and they rose by 8% today too!).

£1,432.58 (Airline ticket p.p. £917.00 + Tax p.p. £515.58)
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Old 04-01-2012, 08:32 PM
ElenaMarie ElenaMarie is offline
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Carter &amp; Holmes: Can't beat this with a stick! Female

Originally Posted by Pilot View Post
I was in the USAF. B52. Now I fly privately, fixed wing, no Helios.
Wow, the big birds eh? Very nice. Thank you so much for serving!

My kid brother is Army, 12 years active, now Reserve, in an attack helicopter (Apache or Blackhawk, I can never remember which.) In civvie life he flies high tension power line repair.

Helicopter Powerline Danger Awesome Amazing - YouTube

(I don't know that that is him in that video, it's just one I have bookmarked.) It's harder than it looks from what I hear.

He knew what he wanted to do when he was six years old and he's done it every day since he turned 22. He started his aviation career in the Colorado CAP at age 15. Before that he washed planes at the local airport in exchange for rides once in a while. He lived in Alaska for 10 years and flew extensively there as well, primarily helicopters.

The day he stops flying is the day he dies, I think.

Oh, and I saw your tolumnias. They're gorgeous! I wish I could grow those. Alas it's too warm here for them.
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Old 04-02-2012, 01:49 PM
Pilot Pilot is offline
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Carter &amp; Holmes: Can't beat this with a stick! Male

I already heard back from carter and Holmes and they were very nice. Mac wrote back, to be precise. He admitted to having issues with their shipping policy but made it clear. And yes, it is 17.99 FedEx overnight, which considering the speed, isn't bad at all. To. Make it worth the while I guess I'll have to get two Gigantea. It pays to have backups, yah know? I mean what happens if I only get one and .... Well I only have one then! That can't happen... Two it is.

I get flying till you die...if you really love this stuff you live it and breathe it. I don't do nearly as much flying any more but it's like a fraternity...doesn't matter if you are no longer current in any of your planes or aircraft, youre still a part of the club!
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Old 04-02-2012, 04:57 PM
ElenaMarie ElenaMarie is offline
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Carter &amp; Holmes: Can't beat this with a stick! Female

Mac was so good to me too! I'm glad you got the answer, even if it wasn't quite the answer you wanted. Have scissors handy when you open the box. They use a LOT of tape and newspaper and shredded plastic to protect the plants. Getting it all off was a chore but the plants were in perfect condition.

I'm fairly new to orchids but I've been concerned about ordering through the mail since I started in orchids, primarily about the plants suffering damage during shipping. I don't think I'll order from a shop that doesn't do overnight shipping. The chances of the plant suffering so much stress it dies, or damage that kills it, are just too high.

If you do end up ordering from them, Pilot, I hope you have the same great experience I had.

Last edited by ElenaMarie; 04-02-2012 at 05:05 PM..
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Old 04-06-2012, 12:21 AM
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Carter &amp; Holmes: Can't beat this with a stick! Male

Went to visit them last winter. They could not have been nicer. I have never had a problem with their plants.
My orchid photos:
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Old 05-23-2012, 01:05 PM
DavidCampen DavidCampen is offline
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Originally Posted by ElenaMarie View Post
As I understand it, all their live-plant shipping is done by overnight Fed Ex, which is pretty pricey but best for the plants. They also pack the plants very carefully, and if in bud have a neat way of protecting the buds (it involves shredded plastic and masking tape and the like. Took forever to get it off but none of my buds were the least bit damaged.) I paid $17.99 for packing and shipping but given the items I was okay with that.
I have ordered from them once before and was very pleased with the plants and packaging. I can't remember though if they send an email with tracking info when they ship, does anyone know? I have my packages delivered to a commercial mailbox drop and would hate to have my plants sitting there unclaimed for days.
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