well its only fair that If I can bash FEDEX on one hand I should thank them on the other in the same breath
Thank you FEDEX for going out of your way this time to make sure I got my plants. I still had to hunt them down bec several mistakes were made on my part.
#1 if you want the FEDEX shipping center to hold your package for pick up...YOU have to state that on the package. Otherwise it drives around town all day not being delivered.
#2 FEDEX employees do care. This very nice lady saw what I was going thru at the shipping center and that it was taking up a lot of my time. She took over and within a few hours I have my plants.
#3 Dispatcher at the sorting facility did a great job pulling the box up and making sure I got them TODAY..not tomorrow not next week but TODAY!!
Thanks you all..Its been a lesson to be sure. I cant wait to get some pics up!!!! Everything is in MAJOR bud!!