I was wondering if anyone's bought from ebay's anne9056. the feedback is 100% the only way to get the low prices though is you HAVE to buy more than three. i dont wanna go hand over 40 bucks just yet. so can anyone tell me if its worth it? thanks a zillion!!!
yes, that's SLO orchids - I bought some a couple years ago - they were ok for the price. By the feedback I had expected better, the divisions were not "big" - 3 pbulbs, but they seemed to be from mature plants. Roots were "eh". One division I received was in spike. The others I could see remains of old spikes.
With the exception of one, which I killed this year, they all are growing fine.
I second Rabbit's post. The divisions were in good shape but I am patiently waiting for blooms. One division spiked immediately but the others haven't bloomed yet.
I think the ones I got just take a little longer to recover from being divided.
I second Rabbit's post. The divisions were in good shape but I am patiently waiting for blooms. One division spiked immediately but the others haven't bloomed yet.
I think the ones I got just take a little longer to recover from being divided.
same here, Melissa - one of mine is spiking for the first time now