Originally Posted by dvespertilio
If you haven't heard from Antonio, please be patient. He's probably in Japan right now for the Grand Prix International Orchid Exhibit there. It's running from 2/14/09 through 2/22/09, so I don't expect he'll be back before the end of February. I'm negotiating an order with him right now and am also waiting to hear from him. So far he has been most gracious in his interaction with me. I tried calling him in Brazil once, but I got a woman who spoke only Portuguese and I couldn't explain that I wanted to speak with him. But be assured, he will get back with you by email when he is finally free.
Hi dvespertilio,
Thank you for the warning-
I was assuming he was busy that is why I did not hear from him- Unfortunately as I told Frdemetr I have short patience span like a mosquito so I want to KNOW NOW! haha

I was also looking for a few items not on his list-
Are you in the U.S. - are you preordering for Redlands?
Unfortunately my wishlist for orchids is endless and so I have to plan and budget accordingly. But Frdemetr has been very kind and so has Mauro in my endless questions. It is embarrassing

but they are so nice so I can go on asking (almost) forever. Sorry guys