Kalapana Tropicals Orchids - Hawaiian Live Orchids
made a small order from kalapana orchids. couldnt help myself bec all of this is in low spike or initiated spiking

Most of what they have is in spike bud or bloom was hard to pick
Anyone used them before?
I wanted to go for the 30 pack paph special at Lehua but I held myself back for now. I have to work next 14 days straight and wouldnt have time to repot everything
Well I can post pics when they arrive
got these coming
Paph. Adkins Impluse x Cocoa Cherry,
Paph. Pinnochio,
Paph. Hsingying Maru x Via Gloriosa,
Paph. Hsingying Maru x Hampshire Raven,
Paph. Black Buddha x spellbound,
Paph. glaucophylum,
Paph. leimianum x Avalon Mist,
Masd. amplex x calura,
Masd.princeps x mooreana,
can you tell I love the hsinyings?