ahhh now we get to First Ray's. Everything was 1st class Rays all the way. Even got a surprise with the primcolor in bloom with 2 new budz

. woot!!!
All the plants looked great. Were over packed, thank goodness, since Fed Ex delivered the box upside down..Asked the guy if he could read backwards and upside down and he says no..I ask him why then does he carry parcels backwards and upside down then?..Ohhh sorry..Doh!!!
the kolopakingii came with a S/H set up in the PRIME Algra and Every time I pick this one up to look at it it pees on me

I downloaded some pic's
everything is running really slow...

the primcolor bloom had just about had it but 2 more buds right behind it

the kolopakingii in SH..A really big plant...I idnt know some of the paphs get so big

The grant szabo.. has some discoloration on a few leaves but really looks to me to be fertilizer mix that sat on the leaves from overhead watering...careful now
Nice healthy big plants he send me and make all mine look small and puny

But all in all a happy Day opening up the Parcel from Ray...Had to call him and thank him in person me was so happy. I figure if I can call one to let em know things didnt work out so well, I should also call and let them know things worked out great!!!
I just hope now I can keep them all very happy...