I want to be fair here but I will make a few comments now.
Arrived in questionable condition poorly packaged to start with.
Max Tenuifolia is large and full in 3" pot. Had previously bloomed and an all around nice plant..
Ordered 3 paphs, 2 in bud or spike. The 2 plants had previously budded and spikes were cut down. Thats fine plants don't always cooperate with advertising and I can accept that fact with the plants in good condition with new growths and more than ample roots.
The 3rd is a virgin and had never spiked. In fact it had little roots and was very rotten fallen out of the pot.
these are whats left of the roots and the mix is like MUD the bark is so degraded
some kind of freakish white mold all over the base of the root. Its just a rotten azzed paph plain and simple..Am I being fair?
So far the phone has gone unanswered and my emails have not been answered by the vendor either.
All due respect as I know its a business and they might be busy but I must give them a chance to replace this plant and make good. I felt an email was needed to them as to the condition of this plant and they might even appreciate the heads up on the pot rot if they didnt know they were this bad.
Thanks to all of you at the OB I check the roots on everything I get when it gets home to check just for stuff like this. Some of us the fact just being Noobs we arent always responsible for the deaths of the plants and this is exactly why. This paph is Death in a Pot just waiting to happen. And if I had not known any better in 3 to 4 weeks I would have blamed myself again for ruining a seemingly nice plant.
We wait now to see how this ends..I am not happy so far and you see exactly why
Orchid vendors rule #1...don't be sending people crap like this who order stuff online thinking you aren't going to get it tossed right back in your face..
Orchid vendors rule #2..Answer your phone and your emails..Just a word goes a long way to soothing a customer and everyone can he happy...