I have worked at TJ's for years and as a company, we have a very generous return policy. I have given customers free replacement orchids whom have come into the store without a receipt or even a dead plant as proof of purchase. The only people I have ever refused are the "serial" return types, the ones who bring back their orchids every time they are done blooming.
The forced hot air environment found in a grocery store is not ideal for orchids. If a plant has not sold in a week and starts to look less than ideal, we yank them. We tend to receive very small shipments daily or every other day but go larger in preparation for the weekend. (Hint- Friday is a great day to shop for newly arrived orchids!)
Though most of our orchids are noids, getting a blooming phal or dendro for 8.99 or a huge cym for less than 25 dollars is a great, low cost way for wary folks to take the plunge into the world of orchids!