Costa farms is a plant factory. They specialize in common variety foliage plants, bedding plants, and flowering plants for big box stores. They have over 2,000 acres under glass and produce millions of plants for sale all over North America.
I know that like most big production facilities they pump the plants full of fertilizers to move them out as quickly as possible. For some that's a problem when they get them home and the plants collapse, for others they never skip a beat.
Almost everything they grow is easily propogated from cuttings or seed and you can get for free from your neighbour, aunt, grandmother, or the little old lady down the street. Personally, I have a problem with buying a pass-along plant at a store, and I like something a bit less common.
Here's a link to their site.
COSTA FARMS is a leader in the foliage and bedding plant industry, bringing new and innovative live plant products to the marketplace.