Originally Posted by LauraN
Certainly looks like you got your money's worth!
All the plants look so nice and healthy!

Funny funny story...still giggling after about three hours!
John was out in front when the mailman came today so he brought the "large" box inside for me
All I had said to him a few days ago was that I had a delivery coming, no details
So...I bring the box out to the room and cut it open...and in walks my husband with some tools because he has a project he decided to start working on this afternoon IN my orchid room!

So...there I sat quietly opening up each individually well-wrapped plant. I'd do about 5, line them up and then throw away tt paper and start on the next batch.
All that time, John's sitting about 15 ft away quietly working on his project and not saying a word

"When's he going to say something?" I ask myself and yet the quiet continues.
I finished with everything, took my pictures and went in the house, leaving John out in the room.
About 2 hrs later, he and I are both out there looking around, thinking of possibly rearranging a rack or two out there when I point out that it's going to be impossible to do because there are so many plants that would lose their space if we did what we were thinking...logic, right? WRONG!
His reply was "well, that's what happens when you get a (and here he starts stuttering) t-te-ten plant delivery!" ha!
I just shook my head back and forth...not ten
His head tilts...16?
Again, my head is going side to side
and then I gave him the end-all arguments one-liner:
"but it was a great sale and I couldn't pass it up!"
We were laughing so hard, it was hard to talk but I managed to ask him why he didn't ask anything while I was unwrapping them and he said he was too scared to talk!
Gotta love him, that man o' mine
Laura, you can picture that whole scene, can't you? Be prepared for him to torture you a bit before we leave for the show in the morning