Thanks so much for the encouragement Sue! Sadly, I didn't make it to the meeting. Family stuff came up and by the time I could sneak away, the meeting would have been more than half over.

Oh well. Better luck next month. I was really looking forward to it too!
Grandma M - Yikes! I can't believe someone would be so snide at a place where everyone has a great common interest! Gladly, I didn't have anything like that happen. I think in my case, it was more of an age thing. I just need to keep sparking up a conversation and show them that I'm not just some young punk.

A couple of the younger members (My parents' age or so) were very friendly and talked my ear off, then insisted I take home an in bloom dendrobium NOID.

So I feel real bad that I missed this month's meeting.
Ethan - Don't feel bad, I get myself in trouble checking out links and stuff metion on the boards here all the time! I love this section, because you know if a vendor is good, you'll see it here. No need to go searching for good vendors, just browse around here a bit and you'll know em!
And yes... stashing away some dough in the ole piggy bank to apply towards my next EOM order!
I'm still just pleased as punch with the order. Not even the teeniest sign of stress on these 'chids since they've had time to settle in a bit. Simply fantastic!