Originally Posted by columbianwolf
Yes, this has been about 1 1/2 years we have been givin the run around. First he was sick and had to use the money for hospital bills. Did not hear from him for about a year. Contacted Orchidmall and they contacted him. He then threw a buch of plants in a box and shipped them. They were stopped at customs do to quality issues. Thats when I was contacted by the USDA. That when I found out they were shipped. Now that the USDA stopped the plants for poor quality, he is saying it is my fault because I did not have them releasedfrom customs. Now he wants me to send another $400 for him to reship plants that I still have not received.
The case so similar as me ! He also say that go to hosipital and use much much money....I order from August 2008 until now...and 1st he say hospital....typhoon....stop electric....orchid flask continamate.....reorder the flask from thailand .. say no money to pay the shipment need me pay more US$80 for shipment....until now no body answer the phone .... I just send MSN or phone was over HK$200 ....I arrange TNT Express goto his garden to take the flask but still don't know It can success or not !
Which method you are suggest to take the orchid back to your hands ?
He was come to Hong Kong about July 2008 !
Did he go to your country before ?