I just purchased a variety of 'chids from
Exotic Orchids of Maui :
Gram. scriptum var. citrinum
Dendrochilum uncatum
Encyclia phoenicea
Epi. nocturnum x self
Dendrochilum filiforme (in bloom)
Ascda. Blue Tahourdin 'Bronze Grape' (in spike)
Rhy. gigantea 'Burgundy Wine' x self
V. (Meg Laughlin x Agatha Motes) "Maui Spots" (in spike)
Prosthechea radiata "Maui Mint" x self (in bloom)
Let me just say these are the BIGGEST, most HEALTHY, AMAZING plants that I've ever received.
The cost for these *huge* plants was roughly the same (if not less) than other mail-order sources and the shipping was very reasonable. They arrived very quickly and were beautifully, securely packaged.
I'm going to be buying A BUNCH more plants from Exotic Orchids of Maui!

(when I can afford more - he, he, he)
I'll post pics as soon as I can get my digital camera back from my daughter.