Final update 07/10/2024:
I’d like to confirm that I have got orchids I ordered in the follow-up parcel from EOoM the very next week.
I really appreciate how swift this unfortunate mistake was resolved and how carefully communications were handled. My apologies for the delay with this update.
I’d like to add that all seedlings I have got from EOoM look strong and cared for nicely. Roots are nice green, plants are perfectly grown.
Update as of 06/27/2024:
I have got a response from EOoM via email. Looks like an honest mistake on their part.
Thank you everyone for vouching for the vendor and helping to set this thing straight in my head and in communications with the vendor.
To moderators: please delete this post if find it appropriate. Do not really want any trouble for the vendor.
———————old post———————
I am terrified at the moment.

I have got my order from ‘Exotic Orchids of Maui’ and there are precisely two orchids out of 7 that I have ordered. The rest is random stuff. I mainly ordered from them because of the cattleyas they advertise, and I did not get any of them. None!
Is that possible? I thought they are ok shop. But are they?
This is beyond real issue I am having with the ‘exotic Orchids of Maui”. I cannot grow what they have sent me. The conditions I can provide will not be good for these types of orchids.

They will not survive and that is a tragedy for me.
Did anyone have such a dreadful experience with this shop? What do I do now?