Olympic has a lot of Gramms now
This is for those of you with space and warmth. And also for those of you who want to grow Cymbidiums but can't provide autumn chilling.
Ellen at Olympic Orchids has a lot of Grammatophyllum and Grammatocymbidium (Gramm. x Cym. = Grcym.) hybrids right now. Gramms. love being warm, sunny and wet. Grcyms. look a lot like Cyms. but don't need cooling in fall to flower.
She also has a lot of Cym. hybrids. Some are warm flowering and others aren't. The listings don't make this clear but you can look up ancestors on Orchidroots.
I bought a few, including Gramm. scriptum x speciosum.
Of course there are lots of other nice things, including lots of intergeneric Oncidiums, and Miltoniopsis. Ellen sells small seedlings or mericlones in 2" / 5cm pots, in very fresh sphagnum moss. For her Oncs., I put the entire undisturbed root ball directly into a semi-hydroponics pot with LECA.
Edit: A few are hiding in the Uncategorized section of the shop. You won't see them in the main listing of All Orchids.