Huge shout-out to Michael and Triton Orchids
I've ordered all sorts of orchids from Mr. Michael at Triton Orchids in Louisiana over the years, be it for my collection or gifts for other collectors. Every orchid I've ever received has been better than expected, never had any diseases or critters, major damage, anything. I placed a new order recently and he reached out and let me know they'd had a lot of damage from this last cold snap. A lot of sellers would have sent what they had anyway. Maybe trimmed off damage and tried to salvage it. Triton Orchids doesn't work that way. They are taking the time and effort to get in fresh healthy plants. That's a good upstanding honest thing to do and I just think that deserves a big old thank you. If y'all haven't purchased from him he's got a fabulous shop on Etsy. If you want something new but don't know what you want, his surprise boxes are absolutely fantastic. Always something unique (I've never gotten the same thing twice) and many times I've received plants with spikes! Great honest seller!