That sounds interesting, Mr. Fakename -
if they ever went to seed and escaped somehow would I be the next person to introduce an invasive ecological disaster to Florida?

I actually prefer anything that's a Florida native or at least common enough that we see them feral everywhere. The fact that it's a Drosera associated with Florida really is a very important factor in why I want that one more than others. It may be silly but I'm old enough to not care if my desires are silly hehe. I really appreciate it, and if I ever get seeds from mine I'd be happy to trade one day but right now I have to get as close to my vision as is at all possible and not let myself look left or right from it. I hope that makes sense but thank you anyway
Subrosa, if it is dim enough with that lamp I do have only 9:54 H:MM of sun at the solstice with several days of less than 10 hours so maybe that will suffice for dormancy needs?