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06-22-2021, 09:26 AM
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The new catasetum list was released this morning! 
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06-22-2021, 11:38 AM
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I woke up early for some reason and saw the new Catasetinae list. I ordered some neat species. One from last year is about to flower.

06-22-2021, 06:49 PM
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Originally Posted by Jeff214
The new catasetum list was released this morning! 
Got a link? I’m not seeing them on the SVO site.

06-22-2021, 07:48 PM
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Originally Posted by Dorchid
Got a link? I’m not seeing them on the SVO site.
It was there this morning! And missing now. Send Fred an email... it looks like there was an update to the page that accidentally removed it.

06-22-2021, 07:54 PM
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Will do!

06-22-2021, 10:25 PM
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So weird…when I go to their site, I’m not seeing this. Thanks for the link! Fred did send me the division list which isn’t showing either…they’re hella spendy this year, even considering they’re bigger:
Unless otherwise noted, divisions are 2-4 growths in 5" pots.
Please, at this time, only sprouted divisions are for sale.
I'm happy to take reservations for unsprouted divisions, which will be sold on sprouting a good lead.
Last Update: 6/5/21
Name Price Status Image Reserved
(Clo. Jumbo Lace x Ctsm. Orchidglade) 'Select A' $100 sprouted
(Ctsm Portagee Star x Ctsm. kleberianum) 'SVO' - 4" pot $100 photo
(Ctsm. Bela Vista Sangria x Ctsm. Chuck Taylor) 'Select A' $100
(Ctsm. Frilly Doris x Ctsm. lucis) 'Select A' $100 photo
(Ctsm. Jose Abalo x Ctsm. Orchidglade) 'Select A' $100 sprouted
(Ctsm. Karen Armstrong x Ctsm. Darkness) 'Select A' $100 sprouted photo
(Ctsm. pileatum x Brent's Black Hawk) 'Select A' $150
(Fdk. Midnight Sky x Ctsm. John C. Burchett) 'SVO Beauty' $300 sprouted photo
(Mo. Jumbo World x Ctsm. spitzii) 'Select A' $100 sprouted
(Mo. Lime Tiger x Ctsm. spitzii) 'Green Jeans' $150 sprouted photo
[(Ctsm. John C. Burchett x Orchidglade) x (Ctsm. John C. Burchett x Susan Fuchs)] 'Select A' $200
Clo. Black Jade 'Green' $100 photo
Clo. Black Jade 'Green' $150 photo
Clo. Black Jade 'Jamie's Green Goddess' $100 sprouted
Clo. Dragon's Treasure 'Gilberto' AM/AOS $150
Clo. Jem's Dragon Tears 'SVO' $50 sprouted photo
Clo. Jem's Speckled Russ 'SVO' AM/AOS $100 photo
Clo. Jumbo Glory 'Jumbo Orchids' - 4" pot $100
Clo. Jumbo Lace 'SVO' $100 sprouted photo
Clo. Jumbo Lace 'SVO' $80 sprouted
Clo. Jumbo Lace 'Yellow + Spots' $50 sprouted
Clo. Jumbo Lace 'Yellow + Spots' $50
Clo. Jumbo York 'Select A' $100 sprouted
Clo. Leprechaun 'Very Nice' $100 photo
Clo. Manny Tavarez 'J. Bourret' $100 sprouted
Clo. Upper Echelon 'Select A' $80
Clo. White Magic 'Lemon Mist' $150
Clw. Lunar Cheese 'JEM' $120
Cmds. Jumbo Riot 'Canary' $100 photo
Ctsm. barbatum - 4" pot $80
Ctsm. Brazilian Spring 'Kestrel' AM/AOS $80 sprouted
Ctsm. Brazilian Spring 'Kestrel' AM/AOS $80 sprouted
Ctsm. Brent's Black Hawk 'Select A' $150 sprouted photo
Ctsm. Brent's Black Hawk 'Select B' $100
Ctsm. callosum 'SVO Black Lip' AM/AOS $200 sprouted photo
Ctsm. callosum 'SVO Black Lip' AM/AOS $200 sprouted photo
Ctsm. Chuck Taylor 'Way Good' $300 photo
Ctsm. Crownfox Voodoo 'SVO' AM/AOS $150 sprouted photo
Ctsm. Crownfox Voodoo 'SVO' AM/AOS - 3" pot $50 sprouted photo
Ctsm. Dagny 'Fantastica' $200 photo
Ctsm. Dapper Dots 'BJ' $150 sprouted
Ctsm. Dagny 'Windy Hill's Falkor' FCC/AOS $200 sprouted
Ctsm. Dapper Dots 'BJ' $150 sprouted
Ctsm. Dapper Dots 'BJ' $150 sprouted
Ctsm. Dapper Dots 'Marcia Richter' AM/AOS $150 sprouted
Ctsm. Dark Odyssey 'SVO Black Cherry' AM/AOS $150 photo
Ctsm. Dark Odyssey 'SVO Yellow Odyssey' $100 sprouted photo
Ctsm. Darkness 'SVO Magnificent Burgundy' $150 sprouted photo
Ctsm. Donna Wise 'Amber' AM/AOS $150 photo
Ctsm. Double Down 'SVO II' - 4" pot $100
Ctsm. Dragon's Teeth 'SVO' AM/AOS $100 sprouted photo
Ctsm. Dragon's Teeth 'SVO' AM/AOS $100 sprouted photo
Ctsm. expansum 'Myra' HCC/AOS $150 sprouted
Ctsm. Extravaganza 'Memorial Day' $100 sprouted
Ctsm. fimbriatum 'Golden Horizon' $150 sprouted photo
Ctsm. fimbriatum 'Golden Horizon' $150 sprouted photo
Ctsm. fimbriatum 'Golden Horizon' $50 photo
Ctsm. fimbriatum 'Golden Horizon' $50 photo
Ctsm. fimbriatum 'Golden Horizon' $50 photo
Ctsm. fimbriatum v. morrenianum 'SVO' - 3" pot $80 sprouted photo
Ctsm. fimbriatum v. morrenianum 'SVO' - 3" pot $80 sprouted photo
Ctsm. fimbriatum v. morrenianum 'SVO' - 3" pot $80 sprouted photo
Ctsm. Fong Cing 'Broken-Hearted' $200 photo
Ctsm. Fong Cing 'Lonely Heart' $200 photo
Ctsm. Fong Cing 'SVO Beauty' AM/AOS $200 photo
Ctsm. Frilly Doris 'SVO' HCC/AOS $150 sprouted
Ctsm. Frilly Doris 'SVO II' AM/AOS $150 sprouted photo
Ctsm. Frilly Doris 'SVO II' AM/AOS $150 sprouted photo
Ctsm. Frilly Doris 'SVO II' AM/AOS $150 sprouted photo
Ctsm. Frilly Doris 'SVO II' AM/AOS $100 sprouted photo
Ctsm. Frilly Doris 'SVO' HCC/AOS $150 sprouted photo
Ctsm. Hat Trick 'Oh Yeah' $150 sprouted
Ctsm. Hat Trick 'Oh Yeah' $150
Ctsm. Jose Abalo 'Claire' AM/AOS $150 sprouted photo
Ctsm. Jose Abalo 'Maplewood' $100 sprouted
Ctsm. Jose Abalo 'SVO' $150 photo
Ctsm. juruense 'SVO 38' $100
Ctsm. Karen Armstrong 'Select A' $200 sprouted
Ctsm. Kleberbarb 'Hot Yellow Lips' - 4" pot $150 sprouted
Ctsm. Louise Clarke 'Select A' $100
Ctsm. Louise Clarke 'Very Dark' $150 photo
Ctsm. Louise Clarke 'Wonder Woman' $200 sprouted photo
Ctsm. Louise Clarke 'Wonder Woman' $200 sprouted photo
Ctsm. lucis $100 sprouted photo
Ctsm. lucis $100 photo
Ctsm. Melana Davison 'Bomb Shell' $300 sprouted photo
Ctsm. Melana Davison 'Bomb Shell' $300 sprouted photo
Ctsm. Melana Davison 'Hoo-Rah' $300 sprouted
Ctsm. Melana Davison 'SVO' AM/AOS - 4" pot $300 sprouted photo
Ctsm. ochraceum $80
Ctsm. Orchidglade 'Jamie's Tortured Midnight' $400 sprouted photo
Ctsm. Orchidglade 'Jamie's Tortured Midnight' $400 sprouted photo
Ctsm. Orchidglade 'York' - 4" pot $100 sprouted
Ctsm. Penang 'Select A' $100 sprouted
Ctsm. pileatum 'Dinner Plate' $120 sprouted
Ctsm. pileatum 'Select A' (yellow) $100 photo
Ctsm. pileatum 'SVO Independence' $200 sprouted photo
Ctsm. pileatum 'SVO Independence' $200 sprouted photo
Ctsm. pileatum imperiale 'Pierre Couret' AM/AOS $300 sprouted photo
Ctsm. pileatum imperiale 'Pierre Couret' AM/AOS - 4" pot $200 photo
Ctsm. Portagee Star 'Brian Lawson Sunrise' AM/AOS $200 sprouted photo
Ctsm. Portagee Star 'Brian Lawson Sunrise' AM/AOS $200 sprouted photo
Ctsm. Portagee Star 'Brian Lawson Sunrise' AM/AOS $200 photo
Ctsm. saccatum 'Dark Wonder' $150 sprouted photo
Ctsm. sanguineum 'Select B' $80
Ctsm. sanguineum 'Select B' $80 sprouted
Ctsm. sanguineum 'Select B' $80 sprouted
Ctsm. sanguineum 'Select C' $80 sprouted photo
Ctsm. sanguineum 'ET' $100 sprouted
Ctsm. sanguineum 'SVO' $100 sprouted
Ctsm. sanguineum 'SVO' - 4" pot $80 sprouted
Ctsm. Sheriff Frank Drew (Ctsm. Donna Wise x Susan Fuchs) 'Select A' - 4" pot $150 sprouted photo
Ctsm. spitzii 'Prolific' $100 sprouted
Ctsm. spitzii 'Prolific' $100 sprouted
Ctsm. spitzii 'Prolific' - 4" pot $80 sprouted
Ctsm. spitzii 'SVO Burnished Gold' AM/AOS $200 sprouted photo
Ctsm. Susan Fuchs 'Sun Face' $300 sprouted
Ctsm. tabulare $80 sprouted photo
Ctsm. tabulare $80 sprouted photo
Ctsm. tabulare $80 sprouted photo
Ctsm. tenebrosum 'Jim' AM/AOS $200 sprouted
Ctsm. tenebrosum 'Two 10s' $150 sprouted photo
Ctsm. unk. sp. 'Select A' $80 sprouted
Ctsm. vinaceum $80
Ctsm. vinaceum 'SVO' HCC/AOS $100 sprouted photo
Fdk. After Dark 'Amazing' - the only reliably fertile clone of After Dark Fred has found $1,000 sprouted photo
Fdk. After Dark 'Amazing' - the only reliably fertile clone of After Dark Fred has found $1,000 sprouted photo
Fdk. After Dark 'Select' $200
Fdk. After Dark 'SVO Big Spotty' AM/AOS $250 photo
Fdk. After Dark 'SVO Big Spotty' AM/AOS $200 sprouted photo
Fdk. After Dark 'SVO Big Spotty' AM/AOS $200 sprouted
Fdk. After Dark 'SVO Black Night' FCC/AOS $200 photo
Fdk. After Dark 'SVO Black Night' FCC/AOS $200 sprouted photo
Fdk. After Dark 'SVO Black Night' FCC/AOS $200 sprouted photo
Fdk. After Dark 'SVO Black Night' FCC/AOS $200 sprouted photo
Fdk. After Dark 'SVO Black Night' FCC/AOS $150 sprouted photo
Fdk. After Midnight 'Black' $200 photo
Fdk. After Midnight 'Select A' $150
Fdk. After Midnight 'SVO Purple Burgundy' $200
Fdk. Dark Matter 'Select A' $300
Fdk. Dark There After 'SVO' AM/AOS $500 photo
Fdk. Desert Tenor 'Select A' $100
Fdk. Desert Tenor 'Select B' $100
Fdk. Desert Tenor 'Select C' $100 sprouted
Fdk. Desert Tenor 'Select C' $100
Fdk. Enter Light 'Green Light' $150 sprouted
Fdk. Enter Light 'Green Light' $150
Fdk. Enter Light 'Select A' $100
Fdk. Enter Light 'SVO Grasshopper' AM/AOS $200 sprouted photo
Fdk. Enter Light 'SVO Red Burgundy' AM/AOS $200 sprouted photo
Fdk. Midnight Sky 'Select A' $100
Fdk. Midnight Lace 'SVO' $200 sprouted
Fdk. Upgrade 'Select A' $200 sprouted

06-22-2021, 10:59 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2015
Location: Currently "sus overcast" San Diego
Posts: 1,320
Originally Posted by Dorchid
So weird…when I go to their site, I’m not seeing this. Thanks for the link! Fred did send me the division list which isn’t showing either…they’re hella spendy this year, even considering they’re bigger:
No problem! I'm an early riser and found the link early enough  . Grabbed a Cyc. cooperi .
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06-22-2021, 11:30 PM
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Location: Coastal southern California, USA
Posts: 14,153
Originally Posted by Jeff214
No problem! I'm an early riser and found the link early enough  . Grabbed a Cyc. cooperi .
I'm not an early riser, but still managed to get one of those also... as well as Ctsm. fimbriatum var morrenianum and Ctsm. sanguineum. Now all I need is some space to put these when they grow up...  but couldn't pass up the species...
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06-22-2021, 11:58 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2015
Location: Currently "sus overcast" San Diego
Posts: 1,320
I was debating about both of those as well... and the Ctsm. sanguineum... such a bizarre looking species! Looks like you still had some aerial space near the purpuratas...
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