I've read that Norman's Orchids (orchids.com) is a hit or miss with a lot of people on this board and elsewhere. I wanted to share my experience and photos of my new Phal. gigantea in case anyone else is looking to buy a gigantea from Norman's as he seems to be one of the few nurseries at the moment selling larger sized plants.
Here it is freshly repotted in a basket of grodan cubes.
Quite a nice plant I'd say!
At this point it is the most expensive orchid I've ever purchased. $250 + $50 overnight shipping (which FedEx actually took 3 days to deliver). My previous record was a bellina from Krull-Smith, which was $200 + $40 shipping.
A week before ordering I did email them asking for a photo of a sample plant but never got a reply. I guess I expected that.
All in all I'm happy to have taken the chance and will give my wallet a break from buying orchids for the next........ month..