Seattle Orchid virus issues?
Hi. I am new to the forum and happy to be here! I have been raising orchids for about 20 years as a hobbyist.
About 2 weeks ago I placed my first ever order with Seattle Orchids. I ordered 5 orchids. A week later they advertised a Hawaiian orchid special sale to help out a grower in Hawaii who is experiencing business woes due to the COVID 19 restrictions. I ordered 7 more orchids.
When I received the Hawaiian orchid shipment, one orchid had some suspicious looking black spots on the underside of the leaves. I had seen that once before. I use test kits from Agdia. I tested the orchid, and it was positive for both the Cymv and OSRV viruses. I emailed Seattle Orchids to let them know about the diseased orchid (as well as not having the heat pack I had ordered and paid for included in the package, also distressing).
The next day, having purchased from this grower for the first time and now a bit nervous, I decided to test the other 11 orchids from Seattle Orchids. 3 more of them had either CyMV or OSRV or both. That's 4 orchids out of a shipment of 12 with viruses!
This is unacceptable to me. I've had 2 orchids in 20 years of growing that had cymv and it's ugly and not something I'd want to expose my other orchids to. I've emailed Seattle Orchid and am awaiting a reply. I'll report back with their response.
Here's my question to the members of the forum. Are viruses so rampant among orchids these days that one should expect to receive virused orchids? And, Is it commonly accepted that a viruses orchid should be destroyed?
I would appreciate any advice! Thanks.