What gets my attention in that company's catalogs such as :
link here
Blc. Memoria Helen Brown ‘Sweet Afton’ : This mericlone has a shift and has better form than the awarded flowers. (pdf page 13)
The words 'has a shift' - I assume - means no longer Blc. Memoria Helen Brown ‘Sweet Afton’. So whatever extra words follow will be irrelevant - as in 'has better form than the awarded flowers (plants)'.
And on PDF page 14 (the following page), it says
Blc. Magic Meadow ‘Sentinel’s Chartreuse’
..... which looks a bit 'suspect'. I very seriously doubt that the pic shown there is a result of Rlc. Magic Meadow - even if AOS just so-happened to give out an award. Will just have to take their word for it.
Otherwise, quite an attractive and appealing catalog.
Ray did mention once that the owner started growing orchids since a kid age. So the owner is obviously highly experienced.
Many very nice orchids in the catalog! I'm pretty sure that I would be one of his customers if I were living over there hehehe
Originally Posted by Fairorchids
I just received their updated catalog.
Check spelling of email address, he had it mis-spelled somewhere in the past. It should be: markitectw[at]comcast.net
True ...... the sentinel website has .com for the last part of the email address, instead of the correct tail end ---- being