I was recently browsing eBay to see if anything interesting was on there, and I came across RLC George King 'Southern Cross', a plant I have coveted relentlessly, but have been unable to find. It is much less popular than the 'Serendipity' clone, which you can find anywhere (and which I of course already have). I got excited. The plant was near blooming size for 30 dollars, which is on the high end, but not outrageous, and I want it bad enough that I would pay 30 dollars for it.
But then, I realized the seller was Marblekg. I was crushed. I sent him a message saying that every plant I have ever bought from him turned out to be the wrong plant entirely, and is there any way he could assure me that this plant was definitely George King 'Southern Cross'. This is the response he sent me:
"I am sorry the plants bloomed out something else. Please remember I buy 1000s of plants. Sometimes the tags are wrong and I do not know until the plants bloom. My supplier is aware of this and says there is nothing he can do. I can only list plants as they are tagged. Once again I apologize. As far as I know they are what they are tagged. Thank you"
"As far as I know, they are what they are tagged." What a line. The fact is that he has no idea whether the plants are what they are tagged or not.
So basically no, he cannot assure me that it is the right plant, and he seems to feel no sense of remorse over this. He actually said that there's nothing he can do. Maybe he ought to find a different supplier of plants if the guy he's buying from can't keep his tags straight. At any rate, I won't be buying the plant. I'll keep looking, and I'm sure one will turn up eventually.