Another first order from a new (to me) vendor.
Angela's great, communication's very nice with her and it was a treat to order from her. Although she has quite a small range (phal species and hybrids), she still had what i desired

The plants arrived super fast and in excellent condition.
My order:
Phalaenopsis fimbriata
Phalaenopsis javanica
Phalaenopsis inscriptiosinensis
Both fimbriata and javanica have rebloomed for me since their arrival in June. The 3rd one's still a seedling and i don't really remember if it had proper roots but ended up in trouble anyway - after a few weeks i've noticed it's not happy in leca and came to find the tips of all its 3 short roots to be rotten.

It's in the rescue section now in loose sphagnum moss and has a brand new root so i hope she's gonna be all right now
Overall i'd say i was happy with my order and it's worth checking her page out