WTB ISO Epidendrum Wedding Valley 'Sakura"
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Ad ID Number: 2633 Views: 719
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I'm looking for (ISO in search of) divisions or Keiki's of Epidendrum Wedding Valley 'Sakura'. any size is welcome.
happy to pay for plant plus shipping.
photo is not mine but is used with permission, for attention.
Thank you!
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Comments: 4
You may be able to get it from Seattle orchids., 04-22-2022 12:15
It is currently out of stock and you can click on the "email me when in stock link" under add to cart.
Epi. Wedding Valley 'Sakura', 01-06-2023 03:41
I have a number of these in varying sizes, price range $15-30.
I normally ship USPS Priority Mail, but I am reluctant to ship during the winter.
To estimate cost, I need to know where you are located.
Hi, 04-19-2024 02:23
Still looking?
Seedlines Available at Plantio La Orquidea, 05-08-2024 04:35
Small seedlings are available from Plantio La Orquidea in Sarasota FL. Mine arrived very healthy.
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