I am far from being a Vanda expert but I will try to help. - - - I grow in my condo basement.
I have found that Ascocenda Princess Mikasa is very easy to grow, and bloom. Just give it lots of light, good humidity, a gentle breeze, and supply it's watering and fert needs. It will respond well and reward you with blooms.
I fertilize mine weakly every time I water it. I was told they are heavy feeders.
I have a Princess Mikasa 'Indigo' which blooms for me twice a year. It's in a wooden basket with some lava rock, no other medium, under high light. I mist it until the roots turn nice and green every day, every other day it gets a good watering. If you can do it, it would like to be dipped into the sink for a few minutes every other day. I don't do that because it would be too difficult with my setup.
This is a picture of mine after it has been open since 2/02/08 (5 weeks).