I don't know much about vandas, but I have gone through the experience you went though, and I was totally ticked off at the seller, and then myself. If you go to reputable orchid sellers sites most will say "I will not sell during winter weather" but on ebay, they just pack it up and ship it. My frozen orchid experience happened due to a freak winter storm in Texas. They could not get the trucks out so they stacked everything up in a warehouse, and it did not matter if there was a 72 hour heat pack or not--- it just froze to death.
My take-away was that I would not buy any orchids from October to April-- no matter how great a sale, or no matter how cheap, or wonderful. I bought my frozen orchid on a sunny day, when the weather was great. The night it died was an anomaly of nature, and I would not have that happen again (If only to save 30 dollars).
I hope your vanda survives.