That plant keeps on crying like a little baby

and propably in the long term will start wining about this little issue.
In the netherlands getting the right fertilizer has become an art (so are getting vanda's, growlamps and a lot of other stuff as well). So I bought something that has 16-21-27 N-P-K. What will this promote in the long term??
Can vanda's withstand such high levels of potassium?
These may propably be questions of little use but that plant has shown me what real challenges are and I don't trust anything no more
I tried to get my hands on 20-20-20 and 10-30-15. Too bad!

Advise me on right combo's plz
Im still not sure what the right amount of fert is to use. The package says 3 g in 1 L every two weeks. I use less right now every week and the plant doesn't cry (YET). This plant is costing me

by now.
Vanda's are intriguing you can't live with them, you can't live without them!