Hello- I purchased this plant as Tuberolabium kotoense from Hausermann's probably a year and a half ago. It is now coming into bloom for the first time and looks like it may be an alba. I have emailed a pic to Hausermann's, but haven't gotten a reply to see if they have others that are turning out alba. Just curious if anyone else has purchased this species recently and received an alba or how common this is? Sorry for the cell phone pic but I don't have a better camera.
This plant is mounted- it's on a piece of cork wedged into a clay pot. Been fairly easy to grow but I think it needs higher humidity- it's growing in an orchid case with daily morning waterings.
I haven't seen this as an alba before, and I don't see anything that says an alba form has ever been described. Yours does appear to be alba though.
If Hausermann's responds it will be interesting to see what they say. I would assume any they still have from this batch have probably bloomed. In case you have the only one, take good care of that plant!