I have another ohia tree succumbing to the Rapid Ohia Death [ROD] plague.
It has at least 4 weed Vandas in it, one of which is now in bloom.

This one has bloomed at leas 1X and some times 2X per year for the last 3 years.
There are at least 3 more in the dying tree. Possibly more that I haven't seen because they're smaller or just hidden.

I have never seen these bloom yet. So, I have no Idea as to what they will look like. There is a possibility that some could look like this one, another of my weed Vandas:

It is most likely that all will be like the one in bloom in the 1st photo because of all my weed Vandas, I've only found one of the red so far.
I will be felling the dead tree sometime in the not too distant future. I have a weed tree near it that is threatening the power lines coming into the house. Hurricane season has begun and the storms have started to form, one of which should reach hurricane force today or tomorrow. But, it does not look as if it will threaten us her on B.I.
I feel the pressure anyway and that tree must go soon.
When I take it down, I'll also take the dead Ohia tree down.
I have these weed vandas all over my property. I will not waste a good mounting site that can be used for a new orchid on any of these weeds.
So, as I have done once before here, I am offering all the Vandas that come out of this tree as a unit to any one here that wants them and is willing to pay postage costs. Last time they all went into a large one-rate box for about $35 +/-. Actual cost will be whatever I have to pay for priotity postage on the one-rate box.
I am not in the business of selling and shipping orchids. So, I do not want to be sending multiple shipments to several addresses.
If interested PM me. First come, first served, priority given to 1st group that wants to divy-up between themselves.
Domestic U.S. only.