I try not to play favorites with my orchids; I just love 'em all! But if I absolutely had to choose, this would be my fav. Meet Vladimir!
I am not positive about the ID because it was a tagless grocery store purchase, but it was my first non-phal orchid, a 'gateway orchid' you could say!
It is so bold, with blooms that are the size of my palm, that look black-violet in the sunlight (the photos bring out the violet more than I see it in real life). It gave me a few flowers just two months ago, and the first flower of its new spike just opened today! I couldn't wait until the other twelve or so opened up to post his pic.
Here's his bloom guarded by an assassin bug.
And the rest of the soon-opening buds.
And he's even making another spike! Gosh, I'm so in love...
He's still a young plant, but he grew 8 leaves, three spikes, and tons of roots this year, all since April. I'm really looking forward to how he'll mature. He's mounted in a basket and gets watered once or twice a day. I use better-gro fertilizer at quarter strength once or twice a week, alternating nitrogen and phosphorus rich formulas. He gets full morning sun until about 11am and then is partly shaded, especially in the hot summer months. I'll being him indoors for the winter soon, so i sure hope I don't lose that new spike!
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