First Vanda Rebloom Spike- What to do.
Last November, my fiancee brought home a Silver Vase NOID great big purple Vanda. It overwintered in a south facing window in the vase and I moved it to a slat basket without any media when it went outside in April. Once I found a good spot for it to hang out in a Japanese Maple, it grew and did its thing. Now it's putting out a spike!
Currently, I'm watering it daily in the morning and fertilizing it weakly weekly. From what I have read, it wouldn't hurt to fertilize it every other day or even daily.
So, what should I expect next? How long will it take to bloom? Any dos and don'ts to prevent bud blast?
We're super excited. As newer collectors, reblooms under our watch make us feel like we're doing something right. Any advice is appreciated. Hopefully photos will follow.