I am getting a pachara delight and it is In a basket.Can I add better grow bark to the basket for moisture? It is my first vanda and I am new to the care of it.
if your environment is very dry and you can't water everyday, it's better to put medium bark chips in the pot. I have some vandas in pots with bark and some that are in small plastic baskets with their roots hanging with no media. I have found that the ones in the pot grow thicker and more roots compared to the ones that are hanging. Just make sure that they dry out to avoid rot inside the pot.
Hi Hanzy08, I have. Very stupid question. The surface roots dry out much faster than roots at the bottom. Should I use some sphagnum moss? Right now my vanda is potted with large lava rocks.
I think it's fine cause lava rocks drain very well. I use bark chips in mine and they dry really fast this time of the year. They really do like high humidity around the roots.