I have this noid rhys-vanda, which I believe has a parentage of colmarie. Same dark gummy flowers, but on a long trailing spike instead of that of its parent which is short and erect. During a short period of being “home alone” thus spared of my daily fretting over it, it got new roots sprouting all around and as a bonus, a whole new baby at the base. It’s a vigorous plant; my only regret is that I kept feeding it during its post-bloom rest period - as opposed to starving it. Now we’re coming off a short “winter” and onto our short-dry-then-long-wet “summers ” (there you have the whole seasonal cycle in Thailand) I can’t starve it now as this is I believe the plant’s growth period. The long and short of it is that the next blooming might be delayed/postponed, but that can be put in the back burner.
Right now I’m overjoyed with this little healthy baby popping up. But of course, neurotic orchid parent that I am, I start to worry about the…. Future. I don’t want the two plants to stay in the same basket, for it’s going to be unsightly and that’d kind of ruin it for me (as opposed to the rhys, the more the merrier and more fun to look at) But to detach the young one from the old one - is that a wise idea? and how shall I go about it? Knowing my own impulse it’s a question of when, not if, I am gonna perform separation surgery on it and I’m afraid I might get to it prematurely and end up doing more harm than good.
Any advice and/or input are of course much appreciated and a life (of orchids)-saver.