Some weeks ago this plant had a great blooming. This is the plant six weeks later :-( All started with few yellow spots, I tried with fungicide. Since last year I kept them almost spotless, with very, very few yellow margins but early February we had night rainings and I suppose dormant fungus spores developed plus some nutritions lacking. Weird... both plants that I cut flowers spikes in the blooming peak developed those full yellow leaves. Why? I'm helping plant to stop keeping the gorgeous spike and save energies. So now I will wait that leaves fall down and start again to grow spotless leaves and more than a year to have healthy fan where spikes grow...
I hope that all will be well. I know how disappointing this is. After my Angraecum bloomed, the place where the bloom had been somehow got water in it and it caused an infection. It lost a bunch of leaves but it is recovering, now. Good luck with yours.
Sorry about your plant. Fungicide might help and probably can't hurt. I have been having similar issues the past 6 to 9 months also. The plants seem to be fine and growing roots and such and then things change and the plants start to lose leaves and the roots stop growing. From what I have been able to figure out is that they have all developed some type of stem rot and that it progresses quickly up the stem and basically kills the plant. I don't know if that is the case with your plants. I have been able to salvage a few by cutting off the lower portion of the plant and soaking the remaining part in fungicide and then spraying regularly with physan and waiting/hoping that it will recover. Not a very scientific approach but it has worked on several plants.
You may have a stem rot or similar. The physan 20 may help either way as rot is typically fungal related. If fungal attacks have progressed to rot, I prefer to use phosphorus acid (mono-di potassium phosphite). Over here its usually in the product called yates anti rot. Separate your plant from others btw.
Last edited by AussieVanda; 03-17-2015 at 07:03 PM..