Hi Jenn4a! That sounds really interesting.
What I have been doing, since I'm home most of the time, is I filled two buckets with water to which I've added some 20-20-20- a very tiny bit, maybe 1/4 tsp to 3-4 gallons of water,which is more or less what the buckets hold. The buckets are directly under where they are hanging. When I get up I just unhook them from the fence where they are hanging and submerge their roots so that the little baskets are sitting,floating on top of the bucket.
I do this, or try to do
it at least several times during the day. I don't worry so much about the other two established ones, but more so the rescue.
After about 1/2 hour or so I take them out and hang them back up on the fence. So far the rescue one is sprouting a little root. and the other two seem to be doing fine, at least they don't seem to be protesting
So I guess I will continue this and see how it goes. It's very windy here and this is the driest time of the year, with very little to no rainfall so the roots dry out super quick.
I def will take pics and post progress, but I must say I am anxiously awaiting the rainy season in May. Then I can just let nature take care of them more or less. XD
Thanks so much for the input. If it wasn't for this board I know I would have lost my Phals by now as well as prolly the Catts too! I've learned so much from all here!
Love you! Orchid hugs!