I'm looking to get a well bred Vanda Tesselata, preferrably one with a dark greyish background... I have pictures in my Martin Motes book, but can't seem to find any...
A primary hybrid is two species bred by each other... a secondary is what? Bred back by one of the parents?
Or anyone have some good pictures

I'm getting excited about my new enclosure and am already picking out plants
Something like this, but darker background. These are NOT my pictures, I randomly found them on google images looking for a better shot... credit to whomever's beautiful V. Tesselata it belongs to.
Also, what is the difference between V. Tricolor and V. roxburghii ??? it seems they are the same? is one an older name?
My Princess Mikasa blue is about to bloom for the first time on my own (got it in spike), and I'm encouraged as they seem to be doing really well. How hard are the more species oriented ones? Could I hope to get one well bred but still similar to the species?