Some large temperature variations knocked my Vanda's about, lost some spikes and leaves on my intermediates and my Pakchong Blue lost all buds except one..anyway enjoy....
The blue one is the Pakchong Blue, as you can see still a young plant. The other 2 are frequent visitors on this site, Dong Tarn 'Robert' (the red one) and Mishima Lime (Green and pink one)
It shed its bloom a while ago. But if I can get it to rebloom I sure will post pics! I have a Manuvedee if i spelled that right, that's also blooming size which I've had over a year and its not bloomed yet. But I've noticed with pickier plants it usually takes a year or two of adjustment before they will bloom in my care. I don't think I'm quite giving them what they want as far as light or fertilizer. But then again that's part of growing plants not native to your region.
Here's something you can look forward too with a well cared for plant. Its over 41" long and I used some plastic coated green wire to hang it! There was no putting this beast in a pot.