Hello everyone!
My purchase from Carmela Orchids arrived last night and I am thrilled. The orchids were in excellent condition and packaged with care. All of the leaves and roots were undamaged during travel from Hawaii. They selected 8 random Vandas from their collection. I am so happy with the variety I recieved. I have so many pretty colors!
V. Prao Sky Blue ‘Phathai’
V. Pure’s Wax ‘Carmela’
V. Pat Delight ‘Pink Tango’ AM/AOS
V. Pachara Delight ‘Pachara’ FCC/AOS
Vasco. Fine Wine ‘Carmela’
Vasco. Viboon Velvet ‘Perfection’
Ascda. Duang Kaew ‘Carmela’
Ascda. Betty May Steel ‘Carmela’
After my last purchase from a Thailand vendor on ebay (which arrived dead) I am very satisfied with this one. Vasco. Viboon Velvet ‘Perfection’ is my favorite one. I can't wait until these plants are blooming size.