I was captivated by the vibrant colors of Vascostylis orchids which ranges to coral, burnt orange, yellows, fuchsia hot pinks, lavender and bluish violet such as this one. The other reason why I collect them: is they are compact and can grow from small to medium sized plants.
This is currently outdoors giving it bright to full sunlight and Manhattan weather is hot and very humid giving this plant intermediate to warm temperatures. Since this is potted in Vanda mix, I water this every other day with weekly weakly fertilizer and seaweed mix. The moment I saw the spike, I had to put the whole plant indoors in my brightest window so the bugs won’t suck on the nectar while still in early bud. I was expecting this to flower in the beginning of spring not in the middle of summer.
These orchid plants have undergone several transformations and hybrid crosses to achieve this wonderful color and form:
Generation 1
1.Ascocenda Peggy Foo × Rhynchostylis coelestis
Generation 2
1.Ascocenda Peggy Foo = Vanda Bonnie Blue Fukumura × Ascocentrum curvifolium
Generation 3
1.Vanda Bonnie Blue Fukumura= Vanda Pukele × Vanda coerulea
Generation 4
1.Vanda Pukele = Vanda Betsy Sumner × Euanthe sanderiana
Generation 5
1.Vanda Betsy Sumner= Vanda Faustii × Euanthe sanderiana