I am having the same issue with my Manuvadee! It has spikes 5 times now, the first two was a dbl spike then that just stopped and dried up then 3 more one after the other and each would grow two inches then stop and dry up, and now another spike is pushing out from the stem. I have ruled out pests because I have sprayed twice since and with the good stuff that kills pests dead especially thrips. Its not a matter of rotting roots nor staying too dry or fertilizer because the roots are great and are easily soaked from being dry.
It is quite frustrating for lack of a better word.
The plant is just about outgrown its wire hanger now which is over two feet so I wouldn't call it too young a plant either. Maybe it just needs more time or is just hitting the blooming size. All I know is that it is annoying when you give it the ideal conditions and it looks like a million bucks and yet doesnt wanna flower.